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There was a barber named Sena Nhavi. He was very pious and god loving. He used to get up early in the morning, have his bath, perform his poojas and only then look at his occupation and other domestic affairs.


It is a organization that allows all Nabhik Samaj citizens of Maharashtra to network and mingle at social gatherings and online for the primary purpose of unity.


It is to organize social events for all Nabhik Samaj within the local community and to promote inter-cultural activities and festive celebrations added with to fulfill other allied objectives.

The Object and motive behind launching this site is to provide a forum to all Nabhik Samaj.Take their suggestions, Take note of their grievance so far as possible and help them with the Net work of Nabhik Samaj at right place.

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Jan 28, 2021

केशशिल्प प्रशिक्षण शिबिराचे उद्घाटन संपन्न...

महाराष्ट्र नाभिक महामंडळ कौशल्य विकास समिती नागपूर आयोजित केशशिल्प प्रशिक्षण शिबीर चे उदघाटन दक्षिण नागपूर चे लोकप्रिय आमदार मा. श्री मोहनभाऊ मते यांचे हस्ते तथा मनपा स्थायी समितीचे माजी अध्यक्ष व महाराष्ट्र केशशिल्प मंडळाचे मा. अध्यक्ष मा. श्री बंडूभाऊ राऊत , मा. श्री अंबादासजी पाटील, प्रदेश कार्याध्यक्ष, मा. श्री श्यामजी आस्करकर, विदर्भ अध्यक्ष, मा.श्री गणपतराव चौधरी, नागपूर जिल्हाध्यक्ष, महाराष्ट्र नाभिक महामंडळ, यांचे प्रमुख उपस्थितीत संपन्न झाला. शिबिराला १००% उपस्थिती लाभली. दोन दिवस अगोदरच बुकिंग फुल्ल झाले...हे विशेष !!